Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Blustery Day

As autumn starts to creep forward so does the nostalgia of crunchy leaves and disobedient windswept hair, with this in mind, last weekend’s arty project seemed to fit hand in glove with this season.

Being asked to fill a salon window was a little daunting, but to be able to try alternate sizing’s and media was really exciting, luckily my more often used pencil’s weren’t too jealous and they enjoyed a well deserved Sunday off!

Sarah and Leigh kindly loaning me their wall for a test run helped to iron out any kinks or any lingering pre salon day jitters on my part, whilst giving us a better idea of how my image on the left would fit with Sarah’s floral lady on the right.

Armed with an array of paint, paint brushes and paint pens and fuelled by cupcakes we set about making our wild haired ladies come to life!

Sure enough amidst a few duck lips, HD brows and an ever patient Sarah my lady face started to emerge and after some skilful backwards typography the two lady faces were entwined together.

And after a hard afternoons graft this was the final result! 

A big thank you to Tom and Katie for donating their windows, you can find out more about their salon or information on where to go if you want to have a ganders at our lady faces at

To look at more of Sarah’s lovely work pop on over to her site